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An AgALag project is a collection or "chain" of effects that are combined to build an "application".

In other words, an effect is a disto, an equalizer, ... while the application is a combination of a disto, an equalizer, ...

Name Description Author Version Download Demo
6-stage phaser 6 linked stages phaser controlled by a LFO. Lall 1.1 AgALag
Miss Manager
AutoMoog Moog Low-Pass Filter. Cut-off frequency is controlled by a LFO. Lall 1.0 AgALag
Miss Manager
Wah-Wah Typical wah-wah effect controlled with the expression pedal. Jeje 1.1 AgALag
Miss Manager
Disto3 Flexible guitar distortion. Jeje 1.1 AgALag
Miss Manager

Dir. Filename Name Description Author Ver. Date
./ ComprGain_hard.asm Compressor gain without smoothing parameter (only hard knee) Calculates the gain to apply to compress the incoming signal Gregor 1.3 2005-05-23
./ ComprGain_soft.asm Compressor gain with smoothing parameter (soft/hard knee) Calculates the gain to apply to compress the incoming signal Gregor 1.3 2005-05-23
./ Compr_LookAhead.asm 960 delay for compressor application Delays the signal by 960 samples Lall 1.2 2005-05-23
./ EnvFol_complex.asm Complex Envelope follower Getting the envelope of a signal based on an attack and a release time Lall 1.4 2005-05-23
./ EnvFol_simple.asm Simple Envelope follower Getting the envelope of a signal based on one decay time Lall 1.2 2005-05-23
./ ExpanderGain_hard.asm Expander gain with hard knee Calculates the gain to apply to expand the incoming signal Gregor 1.2 2005-05-23
./ ExpanderGain_soft.asm Expander gain with smoothing parameter (soft/hard knee) Calculates the gain to apply to expand the incoming signal Gregor 1.2 2005-05-23
./ Feedback_part1.asm Feedback - part1 Getting value from the feedback path and adding it Lall 1.2 2005-05-23
./ Feedback_part2.asm Feedback - part2 Setting value to the feedback path Lall 1.2 2005-05-23
./ Interpolate_Exp.asm Exponential interpolation Interpolates in an exponential fashion a value between two extremes Lall 1.2 2005-05-23
./ Interpolate_Lin.asm Linear interpolation Interpolates in a linear fashion a value between two extremes Lall 1.2 2005-05-23
./ Interpolate_Log.asm Logarithmic interpolation Interpolates logarithmically a signal between 0x0000001 and 1.0 Gregor 1.3 2005-05-23
./ Mixer_2to1.asm Mixer 2-to-1 Mixing two mono inputs Lall 1.3 2005-05-23
./ Mixer_3to1.asm Mixer 3-to-1 Mixing three mono inputs Lall 1.3 2005-05-23
./ Mixer_4to1.asm Mixer 4-to-1 Mixing four mono inputs Lall 1.3 2005-05-23
./ Mixer_5to1.asm Mixer 5-to-1 Mixing five mono inputs Gregor 1.3 2005-05-23
./ VariableDelay.asm VariableDelay VariableDelay line Gregor 1.2 2005-05-23
./ VariableDelayInterp.asm VariableDelay VariableDelay line Gregor 1.2 2005-05-23
./ disto.asm Distorsion Distorsion with simple damping above threshold Gregor 1.3 2005-05-23
./ level.asm Level Mix two entry with total gain of 1 gregor 1.3 2005-05-23
./arithm abs.asm abs calculates the absolute value Lall 1.2 2005-05-23
./arithm gain.asm gain simple gain applied to signal Gregor 1.2 2005-05-23
./arithm max.asm max maximum of two inputs Gregor 1.3 2005-05-23
./arithm min.asm min minimum of two inputs Gregor 1.3 2005-05-23
./arithm plus.asm plus add two inputs Gregor 1.2 2005-05-23
./arithm times.asm Product Product of two inputs Gregor 1.2 2005-05-23
./filters AllPass_Filter.asm Simple all-pass filter All-pass filters the signal given a certain coefficient Lall 1.3 2005-05-23
./filters BPF_coefs.asm Band Pass Filter 2nd order iir band pass filter Gregor 1.3 2005-05-23
./filters BPF_freqin.asm Band Pass Filter 2nd order iir band pass filter Gregor 1.3 2005-05-23
./filters HPF_coefs.asm High Pass Filter 2nd order iir high pass filter Gregor 1.4 2005-05-23
./filters HPF_freqin.asm High Pass Filter 2nd order iir high pass filter Gregor 1.4 2005-05-23
./filters LPF_coefs.asm Low Pass Filter 2nd order iir low pass filter Gregor 1.4 2005-05-23
./filters LPF_freqin.asm Low Pass Filter 2nd order iir low pass filter Gregor 1.3 2005-05-23
./filters NOTCH_coefs.asm Notch Filter 2nd order iir notch filter Gregor 1.3 2005-05-23
./filters NOTCH_freqin.asm Notch Filter 2nd order iir notch filter Gregor 1.3 2005-05-23
./filters PhaserCoeffCalc.asm All-pass calculate coefficient Calculates the coefficients for an all-pass filter based on a given delay Lall 1.3 2005-05-23
./filters filter_iir2.asm iir filter second order IIR filter Gregor 1.2 2005-05-23
./waves constant.asm constant constant generator Gregor 1.2 2005-05-23
./waves random15.asm random15 15-bits random number generator generator Gregor 1.3 2005-05-23
./waves random24.asm random15 24-bits random number generator generator Gregor 1.3 2005-05-23
./waves saw.asm saw triangle Triangle wave generator: done like a saw Gregor 1.2 2005-05-23
./waves sinus.asm sinus Sinusoidal wave generator Gregor 1.3 2005-05-23
./waves square.asm square Square wave generator Gregor 1.5 2005-05-23
./waves tri2sin_appx5.asm Triangle to Sinus converter Converts a triangle signal into a sine wave Lall 1.2 2005-05-23
./waves triangle.asm triangle Triangle wave generator Gregor 1.2 2005-05-23

This table has been updated last on: 2006-01-29

Copyright © 2003 Axoris - Last modified: 2009-03-11