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AgALag application generator

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The aim of AgALag is to simplify the process of building an application based on effect modules. This process can become very tedious as copy/paste and memory mapping increases with the application size

Building an application is made in an intuitive and easy way. The user only has to select modules and to connect them together with wires. The application is then only one single click away.

The modules effects have to be written according to some simple coding rules in order to be usable by AgALag.

A screenshot is most of the time more self-explaining than a page of text so here is how AgALag looks like (default and Axoris themes).

This tool is of course also multi-platform; it can work on Windows operating system and on Linux operating system as well.

Copyright © 2003 Axoris - Last modified: 2009-03-11