Miss Parker Plus
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First PCB
These are the pictures of the first Miss Parker Plus daughter board connected on a real Miss Parker:
Here is the schematic v1.0 used to build this prototype.
Sound examples
These are some excerpts of the AL3201 alone:
Hall dry / wet - using Hall 1 effect on a drum sequence
Plate dry / wet - using Plate 1 effect on a vocal piece
Delay dry / wet - using Delay 2 effect on a synth arpeggio
Chorus dry / wet - using Chorus effect on a piece of piano
Flange dry / wet - using Flange effect on a guitar part
Chorus/Room2 dry / wet - using Autowah guitar effect with reverb on a guitar part
Chorus/Room1 dry / wet - using Chorus with Room 1 reverb on a mono-SID arpeggio.
These are now example sounds of the combination AL3101 + AL3201:
Phaser + Hall2 dry / wet - using Axoris phaser on the AL3101 and Hall 2 effect on the AL3201. The effect is applied on a mono-SID arpeggio.
Phaser + Plate1 dry / wet - using Axoris phaser on the AL3101 and Plate 1 effect on the AL3201. The effect is applied on a mono-SID sound.
Coming soon Delay + Phaser dry / wet - using the Delay 2 effect and the Axoris phaser. The effect is applied on drum sequence.
Disto + Chorus/Room1 dry / wet - using the Axoris guitar distortion and the Chorus/Room1 effect. The effect is applied on a piece of guitar.
Miss Parker (Plus) manager
The Miss Parker manager has been updated to deal with the AL3201 on the daughter board:

For the time being, the AL3201 can only be used with its internal effects. Support for user-defined effects will be added later on; the hardware is ready for this, the software must now follow...
Miss Parker+ is made of:
A standard Miss Parker
An add-on board with an AL3201 DSP
This allows to combine the power of the AL3101 and the delays of the AL3201. Moreover, the AL3201 contains preset effects of different kind: reverb, delay, chorus.
The extension board is connected in a flexible way as depicted below:
This leaves the freedom to connect the add-on in a personal way from AgALag. Indeed, one only needs to connect a signal to input and output 7&8.
First material
These are some pictures of a test board connected to the Alesis AL3101 development board:
Copyright © 2003 Axoris - Last modified: 2009-03-11